Dad said, “No age group will challenge a speaker like teenagers, they seem to ‘see right through you’ and the ‘masks’ us ‘old people’ may be ‘wearing’. Yet once TRUST is built, no group will be as responsive like this age group either.”
It is a time of questions which demand answers, a time of exploring ‘unknowns’ (‘testing their wings’) while still seeking security, stability and guidance. It’s a time when (positive and negative) peer-pressure is HUGE, and when friends seem more informed, and wise than parents. They demand honesty and seek trust, and refuse to carry on the old battles that while empathizing with the pain of others mean so much to the older generation, yet make no sense to them.
I just enjoy speaking to this age group, and accept an invitation to speak and share with them. Dad was the same, and more, and he would be the first to say, along with me, this section is perhaps the most important in this entire web site, because you are the next generation that will take over when the older generation leaves this world.
It is for this reason, that I wanted to include this very special section for you. It will be unique because there will be ‘no punches’ held back here.
You will find in this section, YOUR SPECIAL AREA, hopefully a place where you can come and relax and read, roll on the floor laughing out loud (ROF/LOL) . Here you may also shed a few tears while sympathizing with someone’s pain. Maybe there will be a few pictures, and special Studies from the Scriptures. We will share poems, old time stuff from ‘my younger years’ and just good stuff. We will have some Bible topics explored, that will give guidance, and instruction in righteousness.
Our goal, is that here you will find a place where you can feel at home, and through your teenage years, and maybe beyond, will learn and grow into the kind of person that enjoys life with little or no regrets, and a lot of hope and dreams. Here you may share your thoughts, your questions, and your feelings, if you want to. There is no pressure here, period.
While there is no way to know who browses through this site, I hope, if parents, or some of us ‘old fogies’ visit here, that there will be at least some comfort in knowing that their teenager will receive respect, and honesty, and Godly instruction here. There will never be anything allowed here that is shameful or ‘nasty’. It’s just not the place for that kind of language or jokes or slurs which spoil it for everyone else. In this case, it would be deleted and blocked, since it is first ‘monitored’ before it is posted on the site. It is a place of support, and encouragement and good fun. This is my promise to parents as well as to teenagers.
No real names should be used here unless you specifically give them for that purpose. First names or initials may be ok, but you need your privacy in sharing feelings. Trust is treasured here.
If you are in crisis: I will refer you to a place and people that are qualified to help asap.
We will be sharing things which dad had in his memory box, and my own, but even names there will be changed. It’s just the right thing to do. Trust is hard to build, and we want to build it, and keep it.
I truly look forward to what happens in this section, because I believe the things we will share will help. Here it is my prayer, my goal that you will find a place where questions are answered honestly, with discretion. Where they are not embarrassed, just encouraged in the right direction – the path found in God’s Word.
Paul told young Timothy “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity” (I Timothy 4:12). (So you do the same, you won’t regret it.)
Get ready! Because we’re beginning an adventure here (together).
All the best,
Jack Exum Jr.
Jack Jr Articles – Just For Teens!
Suicide – To Die Or Not To Die
The choice is ours even though we had no choice in coming into this world. Yet what lies behind it all? If evolutionists are correct,…What Of Turtles And Hares?
We usually hated to go to bed as kids… Bedtime always was announced when we wanted to watch one more cartoon or Bonanza…Homosexuality – A Choice Or ‘Born That Way’
This has become more of a problem as “political correctness” and public support is pushed by Hollywood and others try and get this along…Growing Up
Being a teenager was tough. Sometimes I thought mom and dad were just not ‘with it’, or didn’t care. (I under estimated them). It’s…
Dad’s Articles – Just For Teens!
- “Annie, Where Are You?”
- “Hey Kids, Don’t Forget God”
- “It’s Just A Piece Of Paper!”
- “Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire” – Attention: Teenagers
- A Special Note To The Kids
- An Answer To A Prayer
- How Happy Will My Children Be?
Dad also wrote some books especially related to teenagers…
- Be sure to check out the Books By Jack Exum section of this site. You may find some that interest you, such as “How To Handle Your Parents” or “Goosebumps And Butterflies, Dating And The Teenager“. There are many others. Have a look!
- NEW! “How to Handle Your Parents” is now available at fine retailers worldwide as a FREE eBook! Download it, read it, and share it with others.