Welcome to a very special section of JackExum.com. We are excited to be able to share memories, pictures, and just ‘special stuff’ with you that means so much to the family of Jack and Ann Exum.
With the passing of time, these memories have become very precious to us all. At times, we ‘kids’ get together, and just do some ‘re-runs’ on things that happened when we were kids.
So, as this section grows with more and more memories, stories, pictures and tid-bits of a wonderful life, we pray you will be richly blessed, as we have been, ‘through the years’ with mom and dad… (CLICK ON THE PICTURES TO ENLARGE.)
- Dad in the Lake City Health Center recouping from his second heart attack.
- Jack And Ann Exum
- Dad’s Family
- Jack Exum Throwing Basebal
- Jack and Ann Exum with Little Jack
- Jack and Ann Exum on 50th Anniversary
- Jack and Ann Exum Wedding
- Marion Ann McLeRoy (Exum)
- Jack Exum Family, 1964
- Dad
- Jack Exum, On The Golf Course
- Jack Exum At Work Keeping In Touch
- Jack And Ann Exum, Traveling The World
- Jack Exum
- Jack Exum, Ed, And Jack Jr.
- Jack Exum – Friday Nite Keynote Speaker
- Jack Exum Going On A Bear Hunt
- Jack Exum The ‘Communicator’, At Yosemite
- Jack Exum And Paul Methvin At Yosemite
- ‘Ole Hodge’ at Lake Tahoe Workshop
- Jack Exum Doing What He Loves- Teaching Class At Yosemite
- Jack Exum and Ann Exum (“Here take that”)
- Mom
- Jack Exum and Ann Exum (on something too small)
- Dad reading to (Grand daughter)Alexandra
- Jack Exum and Family Celebration
- Jack Exum and Ann Exum On The Road
- Jack Exum Ann Exum And Jack Exum III
- Jack Exum and Ann Exum
- Jack Exum (on top)
- Jack Exum and mom at their 50th Anniversary
- Jack Exum, doing what he does best
- Ann Exum At Home Practising Piano
- Jack Exum
- Ann Exum And Anna (Jack and Andrea’s Oldest Daughter)
- Jack Exum Family At 50th Anniversary
- Mom, Her Price Is Far Above Rubies
- Jack Exum Playing Chess
- Jack Exum Family
- “Lets dance”
- Mom With Michelle, my daughter
- Jack Exum And Alexandra Doing A Dance Together
- Jack Exum With Mom At Jodi’s Wedding
- Jack Exum and Mom and Kathrine In The Nursing Home
- Jack Exum and Mom With Uncle Fred And Mary
- Mom With Kathrine and Alexandra
- Ann Exum With Miss Precious
- Jack Exum With Mom, Aunt Mickey And Merle
- Ann Exum – Happy Birthday
- Jack Exum With Mom, Jack III, Andrea, Jodi and Charles
- Jack Exum
- Jack Exum
- Jack Exum
- Jack and Ann Exum
- Jack Exum
- Jack Exum In India
- Jack Exum In Kremenchug, Ukraine
- Jack Exum With Bill Tyner
- Jack Exum
- Jack Exum