The first of these audio lessons which are available is just plain FREE! My wife and I listened to this and we both just cried… It had been so long since we had heard dad speaking… and we wanted to just give it to you… It is called “THE WISDOM BOX”. Enjoy!!!
Click here to listen to “Wisdom Box” for free.
I wanted to take this time to introduce to you, the speakers in this section of our web site. Jack and Ann Exum, my dad and mom. Now while dad will do the majority of the lessons on a variety of topics, mom ads a special warmth, tenderness and softness which was unique to mom. Dad always felt that she was closer to God than he was. Now I’m no judge on this, but it’s just how dad felt about mom.
While mom was more nervous about getting up before an audience, and stayed much closer to her notes… she loved people and in turn was loved and appreciated as a teacher and counselor around the world as she traveled with dad.
Dad on the other hand felt comfortable speaking before any audience. His growth over the years is more obvious to me as I compare his old sermon outlines with his more recent writings and lessons. These audio lessons show areas of special concern and interest not only for dad, but for brethren around the world. Let me share with you a response from a brother in Christ… “He (dad) inspired in me a desire to be a preacher – now …. having preached for (…) years – I still want to grow up and be a preacher like your dad. I found him a few years before he passed when I was struggling as a young man with an event going on and he gave me some advice that was the best any could give. Advice I have repeated. His advice and writings are timeless. One thing I remember most was that he preached and wrote about things everyone else shrugged a shoulder and said, “we best not discuss that.” I commend your work – especially in the areas he dared to cross, because no one else would – now future generations can at least read about those things.”
Here dad shares the results of his personal study, growth and life… all with the goal and desire to help Christians to grow… and truly be ‘free in Christ’ (Galatians 5), and experience the joy of being “from now on” not condemned (Romans 8).
While he never claimed to be ‘originator’ of everything he wrote … when he spoke, and communicated truths of God’s Word in his unique way, it was dad… He “Exum-ized it” in his way. Some judged him harshly, some refused to hear him, but most loved him. He said to me often, “Jack, ‘let people be people’ and ‘God be God’.” “Don’t get the two mixed up, even if some do. Love the brotherhood. Be a servant… let the power of a humble heart be seen.”
We were blessed and privileged to have them as parents and listen to lesson after lesson… and now I am privileged to present to you my mom and dad by way of these audio lessons. Now, grow in grace and never stop… pass on what you learn… (Please do not pass on the mp3 lessons which you purchase. I would sincerely love to hear from you after you listen to mom and dad’s lessons. Give others the joy of purchasing their own.)(Smile)
1. “Winning Over Suffering” “Have you suffered?” Dad asks… “No?!” Someone says… “Well, you just wait… you will.” The question is how should a Christian handle suffering? Dad takes the ‘heart’ of his audience in his hands and shows how to handle suffering. He draws from not only the experiences of those who have written him, but he shares his (and mom’s) personal suffering… Thus he endears himself to his listeners. He will do the same with you. I pray this lesson will help you, as it has help so many others.
2. “Winning Over Bitterness” “I always recognize a bitter heart… because they have a sadness about them… a burden of the heart and soul… they don’t forgive.” Dad goes to the scriptures and opens up the vital importance of learning to FORGIVE. Now, he later learned and changed his approach in this thanks to a kind lady in one of his audiences… She shared with him that “forgiveness does not bring about instant healing” of hurts in the heart of the offended person. IT IS THE BEGINNING OF THE HEALING PROCESS!” Dad from that moment of growth and understanding… changed his lesson to reflect his new understanding of the subject. Please note his articles on “Forgiveness is NOT the answer” and “Winning over bitterness”… The idea is ‘grow’ in your learning. Don’t ever come to a point where you think, “I have learned it all!” You will enjoy this lesson.
3. “How To Be Happily Married – (And Love It!)” – This you will absolutely love. Now this special lesson has some surprises. Dad was surprised towards the end of the lesson with someone speaking in the next hall at the lectureship… It is just funny to hear dad trying to speak during the silent times of the other speaker. This only lasts for a few minutes… you miss nothing… but everyone is just having a good time and I believe you will enjoy hearing this. This is a very LIVE audience! (There will be an extended version of this coming soon!)
4. “Pick Up Your Towel” A lesson dealing with the beauty and power of humility as shown by our Lord in John 13. With pride on the rise, it is certainly needed by all Christians…. Whether they be Shepherds, Deacons, Ministers of the Gospel or Teachers of classes… ALL CHRISTIANS will be strengthened by this simple lesson on ‘Pick Up Your Towel’. In John 13 Jesus uses ordinary actions and things and transforms them into eternal truths. The power which comes from getting down in order to get up… humbling yourself… brings a remarkable discovery… God will strengthen and lift you up and make you into a vessel for good use in His Kingdom.
5. “Amazing Grace – God’s Power To Be(come)” ‘Controversy’ and ‘Grace’ should these to terms be tied together? Yet in our time, they are. We have for too long suffered the consequences which comes from a lack of understanding and balance on this crucial subject. Is it challenging? Yes! Will it make you think? Yes! Will it help Christians in dealing with the ‘law/works’, ‘check-list’ idea of Christianity? Yes, if they are searching for truth and want to grow. Grace was misunderstood and abused back in Paul’s day… Yet this did not stop him from preaching and teaching about it. You will really enjoy this study, and I would encourage you to also consider dad’s book on the “ABC’s of Grace” to go along with this.
6. “Differences – Right Or Wrong?” and “Traditions” These lessons are ‘spin-offs’ from dad’s consideration of Grace… Obviously when you study and grow in one subject, it affects other things. One cannot grow in his understanding of grace, and not grow in how you apply it. This audio is about applying grace to each other. We differ, we disagree, we debate and question…. Now what? What should we do with brethren who DIFFER, and QUESTION things? Brethren we need to grow in this area…. It will help us avoid so much division, and may even allow us to be united once again. See what you think….
7.. “Contentment – A Key To Happiness” (Ann Exum) This is one lesson of several which mom did while traveling with dad on his meetings. Her style is different since she had a harder time getting up in front of an audience…. Yet she did it. She held closely to her notes… but the words spoken come from a heart in love with the Lord. Mom was happy wherever she was, as long as she had dad by her side and the Lord in her heart. Did she have ‘up’s and down’s’? Yet she was content… You will enjoy hearing mom….
8. “Personality Conflicts” – This Studio audio lesson is very important and seems to fit into a group of lessons dad prepared for his ministry to help congregations dealing with division. In this tape he actually mentions it will be followed by another audio lesson entitled “THE STRUGGLE – UNITY” (#9 in this list). Thus making this the first lesson in this mini-series. Obviously when considering the titles of # 8, 9, 10, and 11… you get the idea that dad is concerned about the direction of the church… and we should all be concerned. Hopefully this will begin to help us all.
SPECIAL NOTE: Lesson numbers 9, 10, 11, and 12 seem to deal with problems within the body of Christ. Dad’s heart desire was to help congregations deal with problems in a way which would lead to unity and peace. They are all good(!) lessons….Enjoy!
9. “The Struggle – Unity!”
10. “Division Stops Here!”
11. “Church Issues”
12. “Stumbling Block – Grumbling Block”
13. “How To Handle Your Parents” Dad seemed to have a wonderful way with young people. His little book by the same name, is so helpful. I know that your teenager or pre-teen will really enjoy this.
14. “Christian Sexuality – Christian Dating” This speaks for itself. In a time when our young people have more questions than we have answers… this lesson is a must. Presented in a straight forward, Biblical way, it points young people in the right direction.
15. “How To Stay Married And Love Every Minute Of It” (Parts One and Two) You will absolutely enjoy this.
16. “Leaving Self Behind” Pride is hurting Christians…. You will enjoy this lesson on learning how to deal with it.
17. “Soul-Winning – What You Are” This is a recording of the only copy of this studio produced lesson that I have. In the ‘side two’ section of the recording there is a slightly slowing of the tape which lasts about 2 minutes… then a slowing of the voice later which lasts a few seconds. Still good listening quality because it regains a normal speed and is fine. This is a much needed lesson, since as dad mentions the church had been distracted from soul winning and fallen into the rut of ‘purging’ and in-fighting. This may still be the case… so we need to re-focus… on the Lord’s vision and mission for the body of Christ…. Reach the lost! Bring the lost, the hurting, the sinner to Jesus. This message is still very relevant, and will be for a long time.
18. “How May I Know That I Am Accepted?” We all struggle for it… just to know we are accepted… even when we fail. Taking the life of Simon Peter and showing us how Jesus made him into a ‘fisher of men’ is truly exciting and refreshing.
19. “Walking By Faith” (Ann Exum) Mom’s gentleness and kindness is easily felt in this lesson, as she was a blessing to so many in life… I pray you will be blessed as she speaks on this important subject.
20. “Winning Over Fault Finding” A great lesson… ready to go!
21. SPECIAL “How The Holy Spirit Works In The Christian’s Life Today” (Extended version). Enjoy as dad speaks on this important subject. As he spoke on other subjects which were a bit controversial, this may be controversial as well. You will be blessed as you follow along with him in your Bible, studying about the Comforter of all Christians.
22. SPECIAL – “All The Way Is A Long, Long Time” Finally this long play album is being made available here in MP3! The following appears on the back of the cover. “The story you are about to hear. All the characters herein named are from real life. It involves true sexuality from beginning to end. No punches are pulled, no stone left unturned, but straight frank, honest words are shared.
If you want a preacher to preach to you, then leave this record alone. If you are looking for self-pity, or an excuse to continue the destruction of life, this story is not for you.
On the other hand, if you are looking for some of the answers about love, sex, and marriage, then this is it.
Jack Exum has been on a speaking tour for nearly a decade. He has presented this story around the world (in 25 countries) and to overflow audiences in most of the States at home. From Junior High thru Universities, from country settings, to civic auditoriums, this message of simple wisdom has gone into the lives of thousands.
Is sex something we DO or is sex something we ARE? That’s the real question. This L/P deals directly with the gut issues of human sexuality. You have the master story-teller in your hands. Take him home and hear for yourself the message that is destined to help you form strong convictions about life and its real meaning.
23. SPECIAL: “Winning Over Worry” Just completed and uploaded for sale thru! Here is the long play record in digital downloadable MP3 format. Worry is “a prayer to the wrong god,” as the author puts it. It will make your burdens heavier, make your life darker. If your life is dominated by worry, then you need to listen and listen over and over again to this. This studio version originally done in 1972, is still needed today when life is more chaotic and filled with violence and uncertainty. Please take the time (you deserve it), to listen and learn not to let worry dominate your life.
24. “How To Raise Kids Right”
25. “Sex – Person Or Performance”
26. “How To Win Over Worry”
27. SPECIAL “Through The Years” (I only have Pt. 3 out of 4 tapes)
28. “The Best Of Exum” (Stories/Poems/Songs)
29. “Sex- A Woman’s Point Of View” (Ann Exum)
30. “Christ Controlled Dating” (Ann Exum)
31. “Forgiveness” (Ann Exum)
32. “How To Win Over Doubts”
33. “How To Organize For Soul-Winning”
34. “The Grace Of Giving”
Finally… I just want to ask for your patience as we begin this part of the web site. There will be some space (varied amount of seconds) between ‘Side One and Side Two’ as I turn the tape over and re-start the recording. IF YOUR PURCHASED MP3 AUDIO LESSON HAS A PROBLEM, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS SO WE CAN WORK ON IT AND CORRECT IT. Of course it will be corrected with a corrected version sent to you free of charge. Just be patient with us as we strive to get this part of the site in good order. Our goal is to help Christians grow in grace, and love, and unity with one another. Heaven bound together… Jack Exum Jr.