About Jack Exum Jr


Unity – By Jack Exum

UNITY A short outlineA simple outline Dad put together on UNITY.
We will be publishing several outlines which are connected to this subject. A few thoughts are added for continuity.

* Nothing like peace.
* Matters of salvation/ Conscience (Matters of salvation cannot be changed. They are those things which if denied, remove one from the saving grace of Jesus… Matters of conscience on the other hand, are those thing in which there can be differences. Differing on them will not separate one from the saving grace of Jesus.
* MARK -Take note of – Watch out for – Eye ball. (The meaning of “mark” cf. Romans 16:17;  Phil. 3:17). “Mark” (take note of/watch out for) those who are divisive, (destroy the unity of the body). “Mark” (take note of/watch out for) those who follow the example of Paul. So here we have a negative and a positive. Both are meant to protect and build unity.
(Un) scriptural…(Anti) scriptural….(Non) scriptural…. Learn the difference between these and you will go far in maintaining unity. Many things need not to be argued over. Agreeing to disagree at times is okay.
* 100 ISSUES (See how many issues you can list.)
1. Brethren can differ (Are different )(Think different)(Act different)
2. Personal (Conscience-Conviction-Opinion can NEVER be congregational law.
3. Stumbling block or grumbling block. (Taken from Romans 14-15… Learn the difference between the “stumbling block” and the “grumbling block.”
4. Respect each others conscience (Respect each other more than conscience.)
5. Big difference between – WEAK conscience and HARD head.
* You belong to God/Christ (“walk in the light as He is in light”)
* Fellowship is a NOUN not a VERB. (Illustration of triangle – As you and I get closer to God, we get closer to each other.)
* Tin can (Words matter)  Feeling/Fellowship/Relationship many times are destroyed over WORDS! (Go out and shoot your own can… Carry it, use it, teach lessons with it, but more than anything, keep it on your desk and when tempted to “blast” some brother or sister in Christ… remember, you cannot undo or repair the damage…… ever!

There’s the outline… As you can tell, Dad had most of his lesson in his mind and heart. Key words and thoughts and illustrations just kept him moving.

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Everything Relates To The Cross (By Jack Exum)

UNITY ecerything relates to JesusJust a simple drawing Dad did.

For the Christian, the cross of Jesus is central. It cannot be separated from the everyday Christian life. One gets up with the  cross of Christ weighing on the heart, and one goes to bed with the cross.
While liberalism attacks and diminishes the cross of Christ, with all true believers the cross means everything.
* Giving
* Eating or drinking or whatever you do
* Soul winning
* Singing
* Prayer
* Lord’s Supper
* Church attendance
* Resurrection hope
* Food given to the hungry
* Faith/Salvation
* Bible classes
* Teaching and preaching
* Giving a cup of water to the thirsty
Of course you can continue the list. Just imagine what happens when you take the cross of Jesus out of the picture? Or out of our lives? It is then that we lose purpose, and reason for anything on the list.
Do your own study, put scriptures and illustrations where needed… Preach the word!

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Restoration and Unity – Let’s Get To It!

While it is true that brethren do not always agree… it is a fact as well that we can still love each other and still be unified in Jesus. It has long been difficult to have an open and unafraid discussion of “disputed matters,” and discover how to deal with these things while KEEPING THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT IN THE BOND OF PEACE.

What would Jesus say/do? What would the Apostle Paul write and instruct us to do? These are truly difficult times and questions, while we strive to “walk in the old paths” of truth, we seek wisdom to be clear on what are matters of salvation (essentials) and what things are not matters of salvation (non-essentials.) Some seem willing to sacrifice UNITY for DOCTRINE (i.e. DOCTRINE AT ANY COST.) Others are eager to sacrifice DOCTRINE for UNITY (i.e. UNITY AT ANY COST.) This summit is about trying to FIND BALANCE through God’s GRACE, avoiding EXTREMES, restoring and maintaining the UNITY of the Spirit.

* I understand that some will not WANT to make the effort to find balance needed… or go the distance needed in restoring NT Christianity and seeking unity. Nor do some want to even consider the matter… This is sad indeed.
* I understand that others will be getting out their “big black markers,” and are ready to label as “unfit” or “heretical,” any who would question or challenge the status-quot. This too is sad, because it is a sign of “institutionalism.”
* However it is this scribe’s opinion and hope… that there are many other brethren who are tired of the in-fighting, and “naval-gazing” as well as the dividing to the point where many congregations CANNOT EVEN AFFORD TO KEEP THEIR DOORS OPEN while the lost world “goes to hell in a hand-basket!”

To illustrate the need for such a summit I site the following:
1. One congregation recently has had a problem with MODESTY, and in order to fix the situation, sample clothing was placed on the bulletin board. Clothing ACCEPTABLE and clothing UNACCEPTABLE. Needless to say, this has created a stir. Unless calmer, wiser minds prevail, the result may well be disastrous, with Christians being lost to the world, and the church defamed in that community.

2. Another congregation decided to introduce musical instruments in one service and have singing without instruments in another service and thus accommodating those who did and did not want instruments. Another congregation condemned that congregation in their town local newspaper for all to see proclaiming that they considered this congregation to be apostate, listing verses supporting their points. Now whether or not you agree with the use of instruments, this scribe’s question is WHAT GOOD WAS ACCOMPLISHED by the action taken?

I understand the “explosiveness” of this and many of the “hot buttons,” but until and unless we find a way to properly handle things of this nature, the church will continue dividing until it is gone or of little effect in this world.

Our problem has been and probably always will be in over-reacting and going to  EXTREMES.

* Brethren, we propose nothing new. We suggest a basic principle many have missed… and that is to understand GOD’S GRACE more and learn to APPLY it Biblically. IT IS TIME to earnestly seek to not only RESTORE NTC, but also “MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT THROUGH THE BOND OF PEACE.”

* It is my judgment that until we learn to let God be the Judge and the “weed Puller” in disputable matters and opinions, and learn how to deal not only with the “weak brother with love,” but also the “contentious, and argumentative brother with united front,” we will not be about the Father’s business nor the Son’s great mission and will continue to be distracted…

While UNITY is not a command (as far as I can tell), it surely was a desire and prayer of our Lord.

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Exum’s “Mission (to) Indonesia” 2016

Going to Bahamassalatiga jemaat
INDONESIA… is the fourth largest country in the world, with about 13,000 Islands, and a population of  252,000,000.

Wiwik and I are excited about this opportunity that the Lord has opened for us. Lord willing, we plan on moving there August of 2016… The “harvest is indeed white unto harvest” all over the world.

There are only a few missionaries in Indonesia from the body of Christ. While other attempts have been made, Winston Bolt has made the most progress. Winston is a 27 year veteran missionary to Indonesia, and as was written about in the June 2015 “Christian Chronicle,” he established the Batam Bible College on Batam Island (a short ferry ride from Singapore). Praise the Lord, that through the work of Winston, and graduates from this college, over 62 indigenous congregations  have been established throughout Indonesia. Presently there are over 2,000 Christians, and this number is growing.

Lord willing, this is the country where my wife and I are going to live and serve. Why? 1.) “We want what the Lord wants, and He wants Indonesia to hear the Gospel.” 2.) We have been looking for the Lord to open a door which BOTH my wife and I are excited about devoting our lives to. 3.) My wife is from Semarang, Central Java, and knows the customs and the language which will help tremendously in our adapting and work. 4.) We will be working as part of an established, successful mission program, with an Indonesian mission team of three men… WE WON’T BE ALONE. This is a tremendous help! 5.) We will be “hitting the ground running” by teaching English thru Bible, using the World English Institute (WEI) materials.

Our focus will be on the Island of JAVA! The Island which is the most populated Island out of the 13,000 which make up Indonesia. Specifically, we will be working with the congregation in Salatiga, Central Java, and hope to expand our work into Semarang and Yogyokarta.

The Solo congregation, located some 30 minutes from Salatiga is our sponsor there, however they cannot support us financially. David is the local evangelist in Salatiga and we will be working directly with him to EMPOWER and ENCOURAGE and BRING THE LOST TO JESUS! Radius and Timotius are the mission team from Solo, and they will be working with us as well. (Timotius, David and Radius are on the front row in the picture above.)

We are excited about this work also because we will not be alone, and will be in direct contact with the Batam Bible College, and with Winston Bolt! Mission work is difficult and this mission field is not an easy one, but being part of “Mission Indonesia” is a real blessing, and we will be working as part of the team whose mission is to take Indonesia for Christ!


1.) A sponsoring congregation to be our contact in the States, and administrate the support funds received.
2.) Financial support for this mission.
If you wish to have us come and share our presentation, or wish to receive more information you can reach us at  Home: 386-758-2431 or by Cell phone: 386-623-7438.
We will speak to any and everyone who may be interested!

sala3 baptism 4 Born again1 bornagain2

New Christians

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“Getting A Facelift”

Dads face lift before and after

No these are not “mug shots!” On February 18, 1988 Dad got the final costs of a “face lift.” The cost for the “lifting,” and “tucking,” of all unwanted, sagging skin on his neck, brow, eyes, and cheeks was $7200.00. He evidently got a discount (normal for Dad) because to do just the brow lift and both eye lids were $4400.00, and to just do the face and neck-lift were $4400.00. The before and after are pictured here (the after is the small picture).

Dad always had a great smile, and always enjoyed hugging. He was a happy guy… confident in God’s grace and salvation… Yet his self image wasn’t always that great he said. When things began sagging, as things do with old age… he finally decided to do something about it. He got the names of the nurses and doctors who would be working on him, got the costs, and made the plan to take the time off needed for surgery and recovery, March 1- April 7, 1988. Mom and Dad made the journey to Bearwood Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Ctr in Anderson, SC… and got it done. He was very satisfied with the results…

Sometimes we just need to do something with our face. “It is said that Abraham Lincoln, when he was President of the U.S., was advised to include a certain man in his cabinet. When he refused he was asked why he would not accept him. “I don’t like his face,” the President replied. “But the poor man isn’t responsible for his face,” responded his advocate. “Every man over forty is responsible for his face” countered Lincoln” (Resource, July/August, 1960).

Not everyone has the money for a face-lift. Face-lifts are not always the answer to a person who has more scars on the inside than on the outside. There is a cheap face lift however that all can put into practice… smile.

Dad quoted a little poem…
“I know my face ain’t no star,
But I don’t mind it, for I’m behind it,
The one’s in front get the jar.” (Author unknown)

Sin takes away the smile and joy of life. King David experienced a terrible time in his life where he was at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and looked at the wrong woman too long. 2 Samuel 11-12 records the story if you wish to read. Everyone knows he committed adultery physically with her and had her husband murdered on the “front line,” to try and cover it up… Few people pay attention to the fact that this took place in his heart before it took place physically.

Jesus said, 27 “You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27-28). Then he follows this with talking about cutting out an eye if it is going to cause one to get to hell. The idea of course is controlling OUR THOUGHT PROCESS. According to Jesus, there is not much difference in adultery dreamed of and adultery done. With David, with all whose face reflect the pain of a life of sin… much could have been avoided with just controlling the THOUGHTS, for it begins and takes place in the heart first!

Then came Nathan, and with his little parable, he cut to the heart of David, who when convicted… humbled himself and asked for forgiveness… He received it. Grace and forgiveness provided a “face-lift” for David, bringing back the “joy of his salvation.”

There is just so much a face-lift can do… It will not give a person a new heart. It may take years off ones looks, but it won’t add joy to a sinful, broken heart… ONLY GOD’S GRACE CAN DO THAT. Take a moment to read Psalm 51 (David’s broken heart and contrite plea for forgiveness.) Then read Psalm 32 (David rejoices in forgiveness.)

Today, we have a hard time with grace and forgiveness… and the older brother did too. Reading Luke 15:11-32, the parable of the prodigal (wasteful son), I get the feeling the the older brother did not want the father to extend grace and forgiveness to the younger brother. “It’s just NOT FAIR!” “He needs to PAY FOR WHAT HE DID!” “He not only SPENT AND ENJOYED SPENDING his inheritance… but now HE GETS TO COME HOME AND get a RING, A ROBE, AND SHOES, AND (this just cooked his bacon) A FATTENED CALF FOR A FEAST!”

David did pay with a lifetime of heartache. The prodigal… I imagine he did do a bit of kicking himself and wishing he never did what he did. The point is, that grace and forgiveness cannot be earned. There’s not enough goodness in good works to pay the price of “pay-back” for sins done. Grace is bigger than has been portrayed by many pulpits… It cost $7200.00 for Dad to get his face lift… and he had to pay for it. IT COST JESUS paid for OURS with his life on the cross. The results of what doctors can do are truly marvelous.

The results of what Jesus can do in a person’s life is even more remarkable, because it is a change that gets better with time. Physically, the skin will sag again with time. Spiritually, grace gives a song to the lips, a smile to the face, and hope to the heart that cannot be taken away.


Grow in grace! Let Jesus offer of GRACE be heard in our pulpits!

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“Redeemed” – “A Personal Note From Dad”

This article is part 14 of 14 in the series Redeemed

My Dear Friend,
This book would be incomplete without this personal note. I wanted to close it with a few
thoughts from my heart to yours.

Right now, HEAVEN AND HELL seem a long way off. Even the word “tomorrow” is not too realistic. We live TODAY. When I was a young minister, I brought a coffin (a real coffin) into the church building for a Sunday morning service. It was a TERRIFIC ILLUSTRATION. It was empty and it represented many truths.

1. IT ILLUSTRATED LIFE, for the coffin, you and I will be in, IS EMPTY.

2. IT REPRESENTED SALVATION, for the “empty coffin” still offers us the invitation of Christ. “Behold I stand at the door and knock. Open the door and I will come in and abide with you” (Revelation 3:20).

3. IT PORTRAYS TIME, remaining. Time to say “YES”! Time for the fallen Christian to repent (Revelation 3:14-20). Time yet to have your sins washed away! (Acts 22:16).
“Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

The (your) coffin is still empty, and Judgment is not yet. When will that day be? When will the coffin be filled? TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION – YOUR SALVATION. Say “Yes” to God! Crown Jesus as your Lord. Judgment will be no more, for heaven will be your home.

Love you,
Jack ExumJack and Ann Exum

Jack and Ann Exum



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“Redeemed” – Lesson Thirteen – “Gehenna” “The Final Place Of The Wicked”

This article is part 13 of 14 in the series Redeemed

“GEHENNA” is a Greek word which is all but GOOD! I don’t like it! I don’t like reading about it! I encourage all to avoid it (and everyone can avoid it by God’s grace). If heaven is a real place, so is hell. If heaven is NOT real, then one cannot believe in Hell. You can’t have one and not the other.

“Gehenna” came from the name of a valley outside Jerusalem, owned by Hinnom (Hebrew). Eventually this valley became a sewage dumping place (or ‘land fill’) for city refuse. It burned day and night, worms and maggots devoured the rotting flesh of animals and even the poor and wretched of mankind.

Jesus chose to use this word to describe the “place” for the Devil and his angels. He used the word 12 times and included those who hate their brother (Matthew 5:22). Jesus condemned the city of Capernaum and said, “And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades (Hell)(KJV). For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day” (Matthew 11:23).

Jesus also said, “If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell” (Matthew 18:8-9).

Jesus spoke of this place as a place where the worms do not die, and fire does not go out. It is a place where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth”. Hell is a place AWAY from the presence of God! Jesus said, “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him” (Luke 12:4-5).

Why on earth would anyone joke about “HELL.” It’s no joke, it’s not funny, and you do not want to go there… not even for a “minute.” Jesus offers joy, peace, forgiveness, grace, love, blessings, as well as HEAVEN…. Why be lost? You don’t need to be lost…

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“Redeemed” – Lesson Twelve – “Heaven Bound”

This article is part 12 of 14 in the series Redeemed

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God ; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” (John 14:1-2)

The Revelation written by John describes Heaven more fully… “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth…” “He will wipe every tear from their eyes… There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away…” “I am making everything new…” “Come I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb…” “… the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are it’s temple…” “Then
the angel showed me the river of the waters of life…” “No longer will there be any curse…” (Revelation 21 and 22).

HEAVEN IS A PLACE – Jesus said, “I go and prepare a place for you…” (John 14:1-2). Shut your eyes and picture your house, the one you live in now. IT IS A PLACE. Literal or not, heaven is a place prepared for the redeemed… ALL OF THEM. If you think this earth is beautiful, from the wonder of the morning light, or the glow of the sunset across the horizon… just try and imagine how beautiful heaven must be. Hard to imagine… but Heaven is real… a PLACE.

HEAVEN IS A PERSON – God will be there…. Jesus will be there…. The Holy Spirit will be there…. IN PERSON. All the redeemed from all of history will be there! The Apostles, Prophets, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and on and on you can go… ALL WILL BE THERE! How? I don’t know. I just want to be THERE. (Dad sold what he called, “the old homestead” after his Mom and Dad passed away.) He said, “It just wasn’t the same without them being THERE.” I had the same feelings when Mom and Dad passed away in 2010. It was so very sad, so very hard to even go through their house, their things which were no longer needed. I wanted to ‘pick it all up’ and hold it… but they were not THERE. But, I know where they are… waiting for that special day of reunion. HEAVEN IS A PERSON.

HEAVEN IS ME – I’m going there. How do I know? Is it because I am so good? No! Is it because I followed Him perfectly? Certainly No! It is because of His grace, and His PROMISE. I stand on those promises, and in His grace. I sing about those promises, and one day when the coffin is filled, I will realize and receive those promises. “He is faithful that promised!” (I Corinthians 1:9). Heaven is me – in prospect and promise. Glory to God, and by His grace! (It’s not over… yet!)

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