Lessons From The Can

   Yes dad shot the can. Years ago when I was so young. Two would-be-hunters. No ‘luck’… not even a Kill-Dee was seen. Yet years later… reflection. Just sitting here… thinking about that old can. I think it was an apple juice can… maybe tomato juice… who cares, right? Yet back then and throughout a ministry, it meant so much more. Now… it still intrigues me. Maybe you have shot a can before… maybe a bottle… but did you stop and think what lessons could be learned?
   1. Watch what you shoot at! If you mean to hit a can… hit it! Soul winning is a very special work. It’s almost like open heart surgery. It’s not about winning a battle or proving someone right and going out bragging on how great you did. It is wholly about caring enough to share the word of God in a way that is gently firm. Almost like…. well it’s hard to say what it is like. But just imagine yourself on the other side. Every ‘stroke’ of the spiritual ‘knife’, just think… don’t be in a hurry… sometimes it means simply taking more time… more patience… more prayer for sure… Try again…. find the real problem why a person is holding back, and apporach it from the “needs” angle. Shot-gun approaches tend to hit (damage) things not really important. You don’t have to deal with “instrumental music” (whatever your position), to bring one to Christ.
2. Make as little damage as you can in this process… I know this is related to the previous thing. But of course when trying to win a soul, you have to (with the Word) and wisdom, remove a ‘problem’. How it is done is as important as the ‘doing’ of it. One man who had attended many services and heard many sermons… finally he obeyed the gospel and was truly happy. When asked why he waited so long, he replied, “Well, other preachers got up and taught pretty much the same thing as this preacher did. The big difference was this man was truly sorry I was lost…. and the others seemed like they were glad.” Somehow, there is more involved here than just teaching truth…. it involves CARING FOR THE LOST. This simpy cannot be hidden. Cannot be faked.
A person, even though lost may not be all wrong… Remember, ‘the less damage done = the less repairs need to be done.”
3. Be careful of a ‘one shot’ approach, which may shut the door for others to approach this person. Be a door opener, an interest creator, a bridge builder….
This doesn’t mean compromise truth by any means. It means speak truth in love for sure, but if you know you are never going to see this person again…. try to do something, say something which doesn’t close the door of the lost person’s heart for others who may ‘bump into’ this person and have an opportunity to spend more time in teaching. Remember even though you may plant, someone else waters, and God gives the increase… So what if you don’t get the credit (here)….

   This is a growing article. Just wondering if you wanted to participate? If you have some ideas, feel free to share… What do you learn from the ‘can’?

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The Stogie And Division

This article is part 5 of 5 in the series Dealing With Church Issues

   Gerald Wright, who’s web site
(Biblical-books.com) is listed on this site,
sent me a wonderful story about a time when dad
came and helped a congregation where Gerald and his
family were attending. (The reason for putting this story here will be obvious when you read it.)
    Here is the story from Gerald Wright… (Hawaii)
   “Here’s a short story about when I first met Jack in 1966-67 in 
Germany. I was in the USAF and stationed at Ramstein Air Base,  living 
in base housing with my wife and two daughters. The church in that 
area had been split and feuding for about two years when someone 
suggested that Jack Exum — who was in Ireland as a missionary…but 
travelling around Europe preaching — should come and preach at our 
gospel meeting.  He did.    
    “The first night of the meeting, Jack sported a see-through Havana 
style short sleeve shirt and went up to the pulpit with a cigar 
sticking out of his shirt pocked in front.  You could see the whole 
cigar thru the shirt!  He began to introduce himself, looked down at 
the cigar in his pocket as if he had just been caught with his hand in 
the cookie jar, and then looked up and paused. Then he softly said:   
“Brethren, would you sell me down the drain for a five cent cigar?” 
   Jack then presented one of his classic sermons about love and 
brotherhood. IT WORKED! He stayed a week, staying with me in our 
military apt., and healed the church with a week of great lessons. We 
played golf together (I have a two great stories on our sporting 
competitions…if you’d like them.) Ate together, and he fell asleep 
on my couch the very first day he ate with us.  Jack was at home with 
us … kindred spirits … as we were with him….”
   Brethren, with all the discussion on issues like “Divorce and Remarriage” going on, and the much needed efforts to help brethren avoid the break up of homes, ‘stay in the struggle’, and work through family issues…. it seems we are not placing the same, much needed emphasis on how to avoid DIVISION. We are told by Paul, “I …… BESEECH (implore/beg) you to walk worthy of the calling with which you are called, with all LOWLINESS AND GENTLENESS, WITH LONGSUFFERING, BEARING WITH ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE, ENDEAVORING TO KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT IN THE BOND OF PEACE….” (Ephesians 4:1-3). 
   Brethren, if there was ever a TIME when we need to follow this… it is now!!! Staying in the struggle, working through problems, loving each other ‘above the fault level’, refusing to be a part of any call to divide… and marking those who call for such. Refusing to listen to those who simply seem to be adding fuel to the fires instead of trying to help brethren put out the fires. We just have too much at stake to ‘give up’ and ‘divorce’ (divide).
   Thanks to Gerald Wright and his memory of dad… Hopefully it will help others.
   I will be putting dad’s thoughts on “Brotherhood and Love” here as well….

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