- Lost And Found – Introduction
- Lost And Found – Tax Collectors And Sinners
- Lost And Found – Lost Sheep And The Great Shepherd
- Lost And Found – Lost Coin And The Persistent Lady
- Lost And Found – Lost Son And The Gracious Dad
- Lost And Found – Finding The Way Home
- Lost And Found – Welcome Home My Son
- Lost And Found – Amazing Grace
- Lost and Found – The Gracious Father
- Lost And Found – The Other Brother
- Lost And Found – When ‘Home’ Is Not Safe
With this article we introduce a series on GRACE, taken from Luke 15… because that is what this chapter is all about. For the legalistic Christian, this study may be labeled as a dangerous study. To many Christians as well as non-Christians hopefully this study will be like an oasis in the desert of religious traditionalism and law keeping. God’s love, and His grace are far beyond our complete understanding. Some say, ”UNFAIR!” As those in the parable of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16). Yet GOD’S grace is His to give, not ours to limit. Limitations come from the Giver not the recipient.
To describe His grace like an ‘oasis’ says something, but not all… it is just this writers attempt at describing this wonderful gift. It is truly amazing in it’s scope and application. What Paul says about “the peace of God” which comes as a result of His grace, love and forgiveness, can be said about grace itself… it “transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). Yet we will try to not only understand it through this simple story, but apply it and thus glean from it, the blessings offered by the God that runs.
When our lives are filled with sin
And we give no thought to God at all,
Will God still own us as His own?
Does He love us when we fall?
When our backs on Him are turned
And we seek to go our selfish way,
Will god forgive us of it all?
Does He care when we go astray?
No matter how wicked we may be,
God loves us with love unfeigned,
He loves us in spite of all we do,
Even though He’s deeply grieved and pained.
No matter how far we choose to go,
He looks and waits for our return.
He patiently waits with outstretched arm,
For our well being is His concern.
He’s ever willing to receive us back
Regardless of the things we’ve done.
He watches down that lonesome road,
Eager to exclaim, “Welcome home, my son!”
We scarce can understand it all –
How loving and forgiving God can be!
But his amazing grace is always there
That we His forgiveness might receive.
Amazing grace! How wonderful it is
To have a Father who loves us so.
He’ll claim us as His very own,
If only back to Him we’ll go!
He loves us more than we can ever know,
And once that trip back home’s begun,
He’ll rush to greet us on our way.
He will even run. Yes, God will even run!
Claudine Miley
March 1965
So, we begin a wonderful journey, from the grand house of the father who has not only riches and possessions, but servants, and two sons, to the far away country and the awful pig pen, and back home.
(Special thanks to my dear friend, CHARLES HODGE, Jr. who wrote “Will God Run” for permission to use this poem, as well as some other thoughts from his book, in this little series on the marvelous subject of God’s Grace.)