Going through dad’s old papers and pictures I came across this letter, printed in a bulletin for the union Avenue Church of Christ. He was in Ireland at the time he wrote, and he was busy for sure, but he loved the work!!! It was 1967 I believe…
“Greetings to you all from the mission fields that are truly green (in Ireland) instead of white. I have never been busier. Each week I have from six to ten cottage film meetings and with this years itinerary, we are facing long hours. The school for evangelists and Bible teachers began this week with twenty five in attendance. Our regular services, plus two special classes at the nearby boy’s club keeps us moving.
Our first annual all-Irish lectureship will come in April. Next month I will be in Scotland for a worskshop. Charles Hodge from Ft. Worth, will be with us in a campaign this summer, and out Bible camp, called, “Camp Shamrock” is open for two weeks in August.
Our print shop is producing literally thousands of tracts and many times that in other literature and advertisements. A major drive to place one tract and a special invitation to enroll in Bible Correspondence courses in every house, is to begin soon. This is called “Operation Invasion”. Last week, counting classes and all, I was teaching more than 100 non-Christians. We are happy to report to you all that property is being bought, and plans for our building to be are coming along fine.”
“Two were baptized this week, three converted last week, and two the week before, and one before that. In fact, week by week – even day by day- people are coming to Christ.
We praise His wonderful name for this. We received the wonderful news that Union Avenue (Church of Christ) is counted on the ($) advertising program so needed. The missionary can count on Union Avenue. Never can we forget the overwhelming hospitality and generous way you received us. In my busy schedule, I consider Union Avenue as ‘REST STOP’. Remember our love for you all, your beloved elders and ministers… and Annie G.”
Why put this little note in the web site? Well to show just how important supporting congregations are and the results which can come when the relationship and communication between missionary and supporters are good. Hard work on the part of missionaries can never be over estimated. not all fields have the same results… but when Jesus is preached, people respond.