Never Forget
It was a clear day back in September, and I was in the shed just cleaning up a bit. I had the radio on for ‘company’ I guess. Usually listening to talk shows, and usually Glenn Beck, or Hannity or Rush, and then I heard about a tower in New York City being hit by an airplane. I went into the house and turned on the television, and the tragedy wasn’t over yet. I could not believe what I was watching. I sat on the couch, I couldn’t look away, another plane, another tower was hit. People were looking, pointing at the fatally wounded towers. I was just one of millions, stunned, and shocked by the actions of a few ‘religious’ fanatics. I was angry, very angry, that people would do this to us. Who were they? Why did they do this? What do they want? We (Americans) have helped so many people around the world… now this?!!! People were jumping from the towers, they didn’t want to die in the flames, so they just jumped. Hearts were breaking, mine was breaking. Tears were flowing, time passed, not much time, but just as I thought things were bad, they got worse, as one tower crumbled and fell, and then the second came down. There were people screaming, crying, running, falling. There were people covered in dust, there were people trying to save people. New York was hit, America was hurt. Where once two tall towers proudly stood and marked the skyline, now an empty space, and smoke. Then President Bush stood, representing a determined America, and promised, “Soon those who did this will be brought to justice.”
Here it is 2012, we have been at war with Islamic Terrorists for 11 long years. The battles have been and are still being fought. We have not yet won the victory, not yet. We are still being attacked. 911 is still being marked by death of Americans. This is not the time to pretend the victory is won, for it is not. This is not the time to get tired… it is time to remember what the war is all about, and renew our determination to WIN. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR VICTORY.
Christians are at war with Satan and all he stands for. Jesus came and beat him when he died on the cross, (Hebrews2:14). Yet we still have to fight. The Christian must be prepared, and wear the ‘armor’ necessary to do battle, (Ephesians 6:10-18). The devil may hit us and knock us down, and even cause us to panic, and think we are defeated, but through Jesus we are not defeated. One person said, “I HAVE READ THE END OF THE BOOK, AND GUESS WHAT… WE WIN!” Until then we must not forget, THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR VICTORY! We cannot make peace with Satan, nor can we make a treaty or have a truce. He doesn’t want that. Satan wants our total defeat. Just like those represented by the ones who knocked down the towers. There can be no truce, nor peace, for that is not what they want. They want us to give in and give up. This, we will never do. Not America! Not Christians! We will fight on, and through our Savior, we will WIN!
If you are one who is discouraged, or just tired of ‘the fight’… trust me, enduring and persevering will be worth it. Renew your heart in prayer, and study of scriptures, and get with a good brother or sister, and let them encourage you as well. Attend the assembly of the saints, and ‘drink in’ the love and fellowship that God has added us all to.
Winston Churchill was invited to speak one time at a University. He approached the podium slowly, but resolutely. He was silent for a minute or so, the students waiting for words from the War worn Prime Minister. He cleared his throat, and looked out at the student body and said, “NEVER….. NEVER…… NEVER….. GIVE UP!” Then he returned to his seat.
That’s all they and we need to hear… and do.