I love, perhaps too much, coffee with a snack. Bad news for diabetics. What makes it more enjoyable is the fellowship of getting together with a few brethren. This is what we do Monday morning for about an hour. This morning, Billy (pushing 80) was sharing ow his wife passed away five years ago, but he has been busy sharing the Gospel of Jesus with any who will listen. Recently returned from his trip to Ghana, he was sharing how the people are receiving the good news. It was amazing listening to him, even thrilling.
The idea of growing old(er) “ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.” What’s this got to do with Billy? Well, so many times we seniors get the feeling of uselessness. Memories sometimes do not help since they can make you feel ‘life has passed you up,’ ‘your time is past.’ It shouldn’t and doesn’t have to be that way.
Billy said his goal is heaven, and he looks forward to the next adventure! So what is making life an “adventure” for you? What makes you look forward to getting up in the morning?
Depression, the feeling of having no purpose, uselessness… should not be the feeling for senior Christians. Speaking for myself, I have and sometimes do have those feelings. Maybe you can commiserate on this a bit.
Billy quoted 2 Timothy 4:7-8 “I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith! Finally the crown of righteousness is reserved for me. The Lord, the righteous Judge, will award it to me in that day – and not to me only, but also to all those who have set their affection on his appearing.”
‘Mindset,’ is important, not looking and living in the past, over which one has no control. Looking forward, pressing on, and as Hodge said, “I’m heaven bound!” We have to have a purpose in life, a reason to go on, something that makes this life a daily adventure. So what can take the place of living for and sharing the good news of Jesus.
Somewhere along the line I lost this, but “it ain’t over yet!” Still ticking here, and determined to practice what I’m writing about. How? By being with brethren that “charge my spiritual battery,” spend time in prayer, Scriptures, and writing to encourage other Christians. Feels good.
Smile! Exercise, push to get going and break old habits. Easy? No, since it is easy to fall into the rut of doing nothing!
Beware “idle mind is devils workshop.” More true than not.
So, let’s encourage each other since the days are getting hard! Grow in grace!