Getting ready to go takes TIME and PRAYER. The longer the trip, the more prep time and prayer. Fail to plan and pray means a failed trip. If your not into doing it properly, just don’t make the trip or postpone until you (and family) are ready.
One preacher student met my dad as he spoke to the student body, and said he and his wife and children were going to ‘Africa’ in a few months. He was graduating soon and was ‘ready to go.’ Dad listened patiently and then asked about his preparation… He revealed they didn’t have any support yet, but they were “going on faith.” He looked at his wife, she was nervous. So dad asked, “Well why don’t you just go on faith alone?”
They postponed their move and made the necessary preparations, wife relieved.
A tough part of this preparation is raising funds and supporters. Prepare well all information to be presented. Print out nice color handouts which contains bullet points, goals, some personal info, etc… Make a list of everyone and contact info… Write out you basics of your phone call… and start calling. Understand the importance to be well versed in your mission. Your call should be as cordial and to the point as possible since all you are wanting in an appointment to come and speak to the leadership and members.
One thing which will help in this process is if YOU personally go to scout out the place where you are planning to go for 3-5 years with option to stay longer. WHY? Because this adds EVERYTHING to your presentation, including CONFIDENCE, and IN-DEPTH FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE. You will meet the people, sit and eat with the people, listen to them and understand the situation much better.
YOUR SUCCESS RATE GOES UP TREMENDOUSLY IF YOU PLAN TO GO AS A PART OF A TEAM. (Your family won’t feel as lonely and ‘stuck’ if you do this.) When mom and dad went to Belfast in 1964, dad had spent six months in prep time, and gathered a team of four families. All equally committed to GO to Northern Ireland. PREPARE yourself, PREPARE your family, PREPARE your team! Go with God and confidence! Another thing is to contact other (if any) local missionaries and get information on culture and customs, things to avoid etc… PREPARE WELL your presentation so video and story goes smoothly. DON’T EVER SACRIFICE YOUR FAMILY ON THE CHURCH ALTAR.. IT AIN’T WORTH IT!. You need solid financial commitment. DON’T LAUNCH WITHOUT IT! You have to live. DON’T SHY AWAY FROM TALKING ABOUT THIS. DON’T FEEL LIKE A BEGGAR OR ASHAMED OF THE IDEA THAT YOU NEED MONEY. Part of the preparation and presentation then must include a realistic outline of needed financial support. Sit and talk with your wife and team, and LISTEN! Understand the dollar exchange, and cost of living where you are going. How much is rent, clothing, food, utilities, a house if you plan on buying, transportation, schools, classes on learning the language, emergency trips home, hospital costs, doctors, dentists…
Still interested? Count the cost. PREPARE!
Once you have the solid financial support you need… THE LAUNCH COUNT-DOWN BEGINS.
Now the serious planning to make the move starts. Up till now you can cancel or postpone (like launching the space shuttle). Anything that comes up that is a critical issue to a launch MUST BE CONSIDERED AND DEALT WITH before hand. (Remember, all of this goes in THE NOTEBOOK.)
These are a few things that I leave with you to consider and hopefully make your mission a successful one. By the way, the work in Belfast is still going now.
Loves prayers…