What are you ‘Made To Do’?

Home life was fun! Dad liked to surprise us and do things on the ‘spur of the moment’. For example he liked to go to watch the planes come in. Occasionally dad took us to a dead end street located near the end of a run-way at the former Dallas Love Field Airport. He would park the car and we would get out and sit on the hood of the car and wait and watch. “Where’s the plane, dad?” we asked impatiently. It wasn’t long before he would say, “Here one comes now”. He pointed at what seemed a gigantic airplane coming in to land. “Hey dad, isn’t that plane coming in to low?!” The giant plane seemed to be floating, as it came in. The noise, as it passed over was loud. (I think this is one reason dad later needed hearing-aides.)
Dad loved doing this, especially as they got bigger. He learned as much as he could about flying, and eventually with his “Three Unusual Days” ministry, he became a ‘million-mile-flyer’. He explained to us, the principles of flight, which we didn’t understand. We just loved to go watch the planes come in. We asked him how something so big, so heavy, could fly. Dad simply said, “It’s what they are made to do.”
Later in life, I worked at Timco as an Interior Mechanic and had an up-close and personal look at how planes fly. When a plane came in for a ‘D-check’ for example, we would take everything out of the plane… even the floor! Everything was ‘tagged’ and ‘bagged’ and put on shelves. Everything was then inspected, cleaned and repaired or replaced, inspected again, put back on the plane, inspected again. The push to do a high quality job and be on time was and still is the challenge. “People are depending on your work” is the motto. Our proud moment was always when at the end of a check, the plane was rolled out… clean and ready to do what it was made to do… FLY.
What are we ‘made to do’? The choices are endless. Sin and its consequences teach us what we are NOT made for.
What are we ‘made to do’? 1) To glorify God. “That God in all things may be glorified” (1 Pet. 4:11). The glory of God is a silver thread which must run through all our actions. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31). Sin however, makes this impossible… on our own (Romans 3:9-10; 6:26). God’s love came and ‘walked among us’ in Jesus (John 1:12-14; 3:16). All so we could once and forever understand and enjoy what we are made for… 2) To enjoy a relationship with God through Jesus (Romans 5:8-10; 8:1). 3) Have a home in heaven! Planes are not made to ‘sit on the ground’… we are not made for sin’.

This is why believers say, “I am heaven bound.” The question now is, are you heaven bound? Want to learn more about Jesus? Send me an email… Let’s study!


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